Google Scholar profile

​Our group posts papers on the arxiv or bioRxiv when they are first submitted; any feedback is very welcome! 

Older papers listed below


Dynamic clustering of passive colloids in dense suspensions of motile bacteria
S Gokhale, J Li, A Solon, J Gore, N Fakhri
Physical Review E 105 (5), 054605

Emergent phases of ecological diversity and dynamics mapped in microcosms
J Hu, DR Amor, M Barbier, G Bunin, J Gore
Science (2022)

Slow expanders invade by forming dented fronts in microbial colonies
H Lee, J Gore, KS Korolev
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (1), e2108653119 (2022)

Fast growth can counteract antibiotic susceptibility in shaping microbial community resilience to antibiotics
DR Amor, J Gore
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (15), e2116954119 (2022)

Diauxic lags explain unexpected coexistence in multi‐resource environments
B Bloxham, H Lee, J Gore
Molecular Systems Biology 18 (5), e10630 (2022)


Interspecies bacterial competition regulates community assembly in the C. elegans intestine 
Anthony Ortiz, Nicole M Vega, Christoph Ratzke, Jeff Gore
ISME Journal (2021)

Resource–diversity relationships in bacterial communities reflect the network structure of microbial metabolism
M Dal Bello, H Lee, A Goyal, J Gore
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (10), 1424-1434 (2021)

Inversion of pheromone preference optimizes foraging in C. elegans
M Dal Bello, A Pérez-Escudero, FC Schroeder, J Gore
Elife 10, e58144 (2021)

Environmental fluctuations reshape an unexpected diversity-disturbance relationship in a microbial community
CP Mancuso, H Lee, CI Abreu, J Gore, AS Khalil
Elife 10 (2021)

Positive interactions are common among culturable bacteria
J Kehe, A Ortiz, A Kulesa, J Gore, PC Blainey, J Friedman
Science advances 7 (45), eabi7159 (2021)


Strength of species interactions determines biodiversity and stability in microbial communities
Christoph Ratzke, Julien Barrere, Jeff Gore
Nature ecology & evolution (2020)

Transient invaders can induce shifts between stable states of microbial communities 
Daniel Amor, Christoph Ratzke, and Jeff Gore
Science Advances (2020)

Higher temperatures generically favor slower-growing bacterial species in multispecies communities 
Simon Lax, Clare I. Abreu, and Jeff Gore
Nature Ecology & Evolution (2020)

Ecological drivers of bacterial community assembly in synthetic phycospheres
He Fu, Mario Uchimiya, Jeff Gore, Mary Ann Moran
PNAS (2020)

Microbial communities display alternative stable states in a fluctuating environment
Clare I Abreu, Vilhelm L Andersen Woltz, Jonathan Friedman, Jeff Gore
PLoS computational biology (2020)


Cooperation mitigates diversity loss in a spatially expanding microbial population (biorxiv)
Saurabh Gandhi, Kirill Korolev, and Jeff Gore
PNA (2019)

A reverse ecology approach based on a biological definition of microbial populations
Arevalo, ..., Polz
Cell (2019)

Mortality causes universal changes in microbial community composition (biorxiv)
Clare Abreu, Jonathan Friedman, Billy Woltz, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications (2019)

Disentangling bacterial invasiveness from lethality in an experimental host-pathogen system
Tommaso Biancalani and Jeff Gore
Molecular Systems Biology (2019)

Massively parallel screening of synthetic microbial communities
Jared Kehe, Anthony Kulesa, Anthony Ortiz, Cheri M. Ackerman, Sri Gowtham Thakku, Daniel Sellers, Seppe Kuehn, Jeff Gore, Jonathan Friedman, and Paul C. Blainey
PNAS (2019)

Migration alters oscillatory dynamics and promotes survival in connected bacterial populations
Shreyas Gokhale*, Arolyn Conwill*, Tanvi Ranjan, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications (2019)

Naturally co-occurring soil bacteria show strong competitive hierarchy in a laboratory microcosm experiment (biorxiv)
Logan Higgins, Jonathan Friedman, Hao Shen, Jeff Gore
in press, Nature Communications (2019)


Ecological suicide in microbes
Christoph Ratzke*, Jonas Denk*,and Jeff Gore
Nature Ecology & Evolution (2018)
NY TimesNature News

Modifying and reacting to the environmental pH can drive bacterial interactions 
Chrisoph Ratzke and Jeff Gore
PLOS Biology (2018)

Random sequences rapidly evolve into de novo promoters
Avihu Yona, Eric Alm, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications (2018)

Asymmetric migration decreases stability but increases resilience in a heterogeneous metacommunity
Anurag Limdi*, Alfonso Perez Escudero*, Aming Li, Jeff Gore
Nature Communications (2018)


Stochastic assembly produces heterogeneous communities in the C. elegans intestine
Nic Vega and Jeff Gore
PLOS Biology (2017)
MIT News

Ecological Systems Biology: The Dynamics of Interacting Communities [Invited Review]
Jonathan Friedman and Jeff Gore
Current Opinion in Systems Biology (2017)

Community structure follows simple assembly rules in microbial microcosms (biorxiv)
Jonathan Friedman, Logan Higgins, and Jeff Gore
Nature Ecology and Evolution (2017)

Direct observation of increasing recovery length before collapse of a marine benthic ecosystem (pdf)
Luca Rindi, Martina Dal Bello, Lei Dai, Jeff Gore and Lisandro Benedetti-Cechi
Nature Ecology and Evolution (2017)
News: ​Science


Motivations matter in an uncertain world: population heterogeneity promotes a preference for naive cooperation
Alfonso Perez-Escudero*, Jonathan Friedman* and Jeff Gore
PNAS (2016)

Negative frequency-dependent interactions can underlie phenotypic heterogeneity in a clonal microbial population 
David Healey, Kevin Axelrod and Jeff Gore
Molecular Systems Biology (2016)

Microbial interactions lead to rapid micro-scale successions on model marine particles
Manoshi Datta, Elzbieta Sliwerska, Jeff Gore, Martin Polz, and Otto Cordero 
Nature Communications (2016)

Oscillatory dynamics in a bacterial cross-protection mutualism
Eugene Yurtsev*, Arolyn Conwill* and Jeff Gore
PNAS (2016)
MIT News​Scientific American

Resource availability modulates the cooperative and competitive nature of a microbial cross-feeding mutualism
Tim Hoek, Kevin Axelrod, Tommaso Biancalani, Jinghui Liu, Eugene Yurtsev and Jeff Gore
PLOS Biology (2016)
MIT NewsPLOS Biology Primer

Range expansions transition from pulled to pushed waves as growth becomes more cooperative in an experimental microbial population
Saurabh Gandhi, Kirill Korolev*, and Jeff Gore*
PNAS (2016)
PNAS Commentary

Biophysics: Life in a Jam [News & Views]
Shreyas Gokhale and Jeff Gore
Nature Physics (2016)

Self-organized patchiness facilitates survival in a cooperatively growing microbial population
Christoph Ratzke and Jeff Gore
Nature Microbiology (2016)

Selection favors incompatible signaling in bacteria [Commentary]
Alfonso Perez-Escudero and Jeff Gore
PNAS (2016)


Shaping the crowd: The social life of cells [Preview]
Christoph Ratzke and Jeff Gore
Cell Systems (2015

Relation between stability and resilience determines the performance of early warning indicators under different environmental drivers
Lei Dai, Kirill Korolev and Jeff Gore
PNAS (2015)

Isolated cell behavior drives the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Artemova, Gerardin, Dudley, Vega and Gore
Molecular Systems Biology (2015)

Phenotypic states become increasingly sensitive to perturbations near a bifurcation in a synthetic gene circuit
Kevin Axelrod, Alvaro Sanchez and Jeff Gore
eLife (2015)

Biofilms: How structure emerges from conflict [Dispatch]
Nicole Vega and Jeff Gore
Current Biology (2015)


Community-based antibiotic resistance: Mechanisms and implications
Nicole Vega and Jeff Gore
Current Opinion in Microbiology (2014)

Clustering in community structure across replicate ecosystems following a long-term bacterial evolution experiment
Hasan Celiker and Jeff Gore
Nature Communications (2014)

Dynamics of a producer-freeloader ecosystem on the brink of collapse
Chen*, Sanchez*, Dai, and Gore
Nature Communications (2014)

Turning ecology and evolution against cancer
Kirill S. Korolev, Joao B. Xavier, and Jeff Gore
Nature Reviews Cancer (2014)

Evolution: Snowed in with the enemy [Dispatch]
Manoshi S. Datta and Jeff Gore
Current Biology 24, R33 - R35 (2014)


Spatial dilemmas of diffusable public goods
Ben Allen, Jeff Gore, and Martin Nowak 
eLife (2013)

The strength of genetic interactions scales weakly with the mutational effects
Andrea Velenich and Jeff Gore
Genome Biology (2013)

Bacterial cheating drives the population dynamics of cooperative antibiotic resistance plasmids
Eugene Yurtsev*, Hui Xiao Chao*, Manoshi Datta, Tanya Artemova, and Jeff Gore
Molecular Systems Biology 9:683 (2013)

Slower recovery in space before collapse of connected populations
Lei Dai, Kirill S. Korolev, and Jeff Gore
Nature 496, 355 - 358 (2013)
[Supp], News: Nature News & ViewsScience MagazineMIT News
Feedback between population and evolutionary dynamics determines the fate of social microbial populations
Alvaro Sanchez and Jeff Gore
PLOS Biology 11 (2013) 
News:  Primer in PLOS Biology

Range expansion promotes cooperation in an experimental microbial metapopulation
Manoshi Datta, Kirill Korolev*, Ivana Cvijovic, Carmel Dudley, and Jeff Gore*
PNAS (2013) 


Cellular cooperation: insights from microbes
Hasan Celiker and Jeff Gore
Trends in Cell Biology (2012) 

Competition between species can stabilize public-goods cooperation within a species
Hasan Celiker and Jeff Gore
Molecular Systems Biology, 8:621 (2012) 
[Supp], News:  MIT News

Synthetic approaches to understanding biological constraints
Andrea Velenich and Jeff Gore
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 16:323-328 (2012)

Generic indicators for loss of resilience before a tipping point leading to population collapse
Lei Dai*, Daan Vorselen*, Kirill Korolev, and Jeff Gore
Science 3361175 - 1177 (2012) 
[Supp], News:  MIT NewsPhysicsWorld

Slowly changing environments facilitates reverse evolution for small populations
Longzhi Tan and Jeff Gore
Evolution (2012) 

Understanding microbial cooperation
James Damore and Jeff Gore
Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 31 - 41 (2012)


Hidden randomness between fitness landscapes limits reverse evolution
Longzhi Tan, Stephen Serene, Hui Xiao Chao, and Jeff Gore
Phys Rev Lett 106, 198102 (2011)
[Supp][MIT News Article]

A slowly evolving host moves first in symbiotic interactions
James Damore and Jeff Gore
Evolution 65, 2391 - 2398 (2011)


Snowdrift game dynamics and facultative cheating in yeast
Jeff Gore, Hyun Youk, and Alexander van Oudenaarden
Nature 459, 253 - 256 (2009)
[Supp][Tech Talk article] 

The yin and yang of nature [News & Views]
Jeff Gore and Alexander van Oudenaarden
Nature 457, 271 - 272 (2009)


Multiple modes of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase activity revealed by force and torque
Marcelo Nollmann, Michael D. Stone, Zev Bryant, Jeff Gore, Seok-cheol Hong, Nancy J. Crisona, Sylvain Mitelheiser, Anthony Maxwell, Carlos Bustamante, and Nicholas Cozzarelli
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 14, 264 - 271 (2007)​ ​​


DNA overwinds when stretched
Jeff Gore, Zev Bryant, Marcelo Nollmann, Mai U. Le, Nicholas R. Cozzarelli, and Carlos Bustamante
Nature 442, 836 - 839 (2006) 

Mechanochemical analysis of DNA gyrase using rotor bead tracking
Jeff Gore, Zev Bryant, Michael D. Stone, Marcelo Nollmann, Nicholas R. Cozzarelli, and Carlos Bustamante
Nature 439,  100 - 104 (2006)


Identification of oligonucleotide sequences that direct the movement of the Escherichia coli translocase FtsK
Oren Levy, Jerod L. Ptacin, Paul J. Pease, Jeff Gore, Michael B. Eisen, Carlos Bustamante, and Nicholas R. Cozzarelli
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 17618 - 17623 (2005) 

Sequence-Directed DNA Translocation by Purified FtsK
Paul J. Pease, Oren Levy, Gregory J. Cost, Jeff Gore, Jerod L. Ptacin, David Sherratt, Carlos Bustamante, and Nicholas R. Cozzarelli
Science 307, 586 - 590 (2005) 


Bias and error in estimates of equilibrium free-energy differences from nonequilibrium measurements
Jeff Gore, Felix Ritort, and Carlos Bustamante
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100, 12564 - 12569 (2003) 

Structural transitions and elasticity from torque measurements on DNA
​Zev Bryant, Michael D. Stone, Jeff Gore, Steven B. Smith, Nicholas R. Cozzarelli, Carlos Bustamante
Nature 424, 338 (2003)

Before 2003

High Performance Electrolyte Gated Carbon Nanotube Transistors
Sami Rosenblatt, Yubal Yaish, Jiwoong Park, Jeff Gore, Vera Sazonova, and Paul McEuen
Nano Letters 2, 8 (2002) 

Construction and implementation of NMR quantum logic gates for two spin systems
M.D. Price, S.S. Somaroo, C.H. Tseng, J.C. Gore, A.F. Fahmy, T.R. Havel, and D.G. Cory
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 140, 371 - 378 (1999)

Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gore Laboratory
Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physics of Living Systems Group
400 Technology Square, NE46-602
Cambridge, MA 02139
Physics of Living Systems @MIT

Funding Sources

 Ecological Systems Biology