Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Summer 2024: Congratulations to group members who have recently accepted faculty positions. Martina is starting at Yale and Clare is starting at NYU.

February 2023: The Physics of Living Systems Group moved to new space in Building 4!

October, 2022: Congratulations to Jiliang and team for their paper in Science! This paper had a perspective.

January, 2021: Jeff was selected as one of the two inaugural Schmidt Science Polymaths.

October, 2020: Gabriel Popkin wrote an article covering our work in Quanta Magazine.

May 14, 2018: Jeff was featured on the MIT webpage!

May 1, 2018: Natalie Angier at the NY Times wrote "A Population That Pollutes Itself Into Extinction (and It’s Not Us)". 

Older news

Funding Sources

The Gore Lab studies how interactions between individuals determine the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of multi-species microbial communities. Of particular focus are alternative stables states, community assembly, cross-feeding, and the emergence of "cheater" strategies. The laboratory is composed of an interdisciplinary group of scientists interested in learning from each  other to effectively combine experiments, theory, and modeling.
Gore Laboratory
Department of Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physics of Living Systems Group
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 4-332
Cambridge, MA 02139
Physics of Living Systems @MIT

 Ecological Systems Biology
Former Group Members (now faculty)

Alvaro Sanchez, Madrid
Sivan Pearl Mizrahi, Hebrew University
Kirill Korolev, Boston University
Jonathan Friedman, Hebrew University
Christoph Ratzke, Univ. of Tubingen
Alfonso Perez Escudero, Toulouse (CNRS)
Akshit Goyal, ICTS in Bangalore
Martina Dal Bello, Yale
Avihu Yona, Hebrew University
Nic Vega, Emory University
Lei Dai, Shenzhen (CAS)
Longzhi Tan, Stanford
Daniel Amor, ENS in Paris
Saurabh Gandhi, IIT Delhi

Guy Bunin and Matthieu Barbier -- Emergent dynamics of communities

Korolev group -- Eco-evolutionary dynamics during range expansions.

Blainey lab -- Droplet microfluidics to study interspecies interactions.

Pinhassi lab -- Marine communities

Tegmark group -- Neural networks